Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The 3 R's and Wedding Industry

I am looking forward to speaking this upcoming week at Maximize Your Brand about some simple steps on how to "green" your business and attract the green bride.

Most people know about the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  However, most people miss the fact that being eco-friendly or green is also about social justice.  When it comes to translating it to weddings, I have heard countless wedding professionals ask me - how can I go green when the wedding industry is about consumption?  Consumption? I beg to differ.

The wedding industry is about celebrating traditions, style and marriage.  Weddings have become more of a statement of a lifestyle than just a wedding day.  There are ways that brides are incorporating what is already in their lives into the wedding, then turning around and reusing items for their future lives together.  They are celebrating with friends and family that they have not seen in a while and throwing a party with a purpose.  The purpose is love and some couples are giving back to the community and the environment at their weddings as well.  (Some without even knowing it - I will explain this at the conference).

Brides want to know that the money they are spending on their weddings are going to a greater good.  They are asking sustainability questions while shopping for their dresses all the way to the type of eye-shadow their make-up artist will use.

Brides have a conscious and want to know that they are giving their money to wedding professionals that actually care about the community they live in and the world around us.

Learn how to make the 3 R's  and social justice work for your company as the growing eco-consciousness of the green bride increases!  Hope to see you at the Maximize Your Brand Conference next week or at one of our Eco-Beautiful Weddings® seminars near you!

~Katie Martin


Unknown said...

You are so right! It's so weird I was just thinking today about how weddings are a reflection of the couple's lifestyle and values (I'm getting married in July). Sustainability and simplicity are shaping up to be a consistent theme! I'm so happy to have found your blog because after I graduate next term I hope to become an event planner!!

Katie Martin said...

Hi Claire...We will be closing down this website as we will be launching our all new blog for brides and all consulting information will be going to our page on Elegance and Simplicity!

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